Wander VancoouverPlacesSeymour Valley Trailway

Seymour Valley Trailway – North Vancouver

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Seymour Valley Trailway

The Seymour Valley Trailway located in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve in North Vancouver is a smooth, car-free, paved multi-use path which winds its way through a picturesque second growth forest to the Seymour Dam. The Seymour Valley Trailway is roughly 22 km round-trip with 383 metres of elevation gain.

There are several picnic areas along the way, as well as toilets and even water fountains (open seasonally). The trailway is a perfect location for a family friendly cycle, walk, skate, or training ground for advanced fitness enthusiasts.

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Seymour Valley Trailway – North Vancouver - Wander Vancouver PARKING AVAILABLE IN LOWER SEYMOUR CONSERVATION RESERVE: YES

Parking is available within the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve.

Seymour Valley Trailway – North Vancouver - Wander Vancouver TRANSIT ACCESSIBLE TO SEYMOUR VALLEY TRAILWAY: YES

The 210/209 buses to Lynn Valley will take you to walking distance.

Seymour Valley Trailway – North Vancouver - Wander Vancouver FAMILY FRIENDLY ON SEYMOUR VALLEY TRAILWAY – NORTH VANCOUVER: YES

Car-free and paved with plenty of picnic areas and restrooms along the way makes this location perfect for the whole family.

Seymour Valley Trailway – North Vancouver - Wander Vancouver HIKING ON SEYMOUR VALLEY TRAILWAY – NORTH VANCOUVER: YES

A great trail for an easy hike / walk with the distance of your choice. There are also a few hiking trails that can be taken along the way.

Seymour Valley Trailway – North Vancouver - Wander Vancouver CAMPING ALLOWED IN LOWER SEYMOUR CONSERVATION RESERVE: NO

Camping is not allowed in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve.

Seymour Valley Trailway – North Vancouver - Wander Vancouver MOUNTAINS AROUND SEYMOUR VALLEY TRAILWAY: YES

The Seymour Valley Trailway is surrounded with beautiful mountains, such as Lynn Peak, The Needles, Mt Seymour and more.

Seymour Valley Trailway – North Vancouver - Wander Vancouver PICNIC AREA ON SEYMOUR VALLEY TRAILWAY – NORTH VANCOUVER: YES

There are several picnic areas along the way.

Seymour Valley Trailway – North Vancouver - Wander Vancouver TOILETS AVAILABLE ON SEYMOUR VALLEY TRAILWAY – NORTH VANCOUVER: YES

There are several picnic areas along the way.

Seymour Valley Trailway – North Vancouver - Wander Vancouver DRINKING WATER ON SEYMOUR VALLEY TRAILWAY – NORTH VANCOUVER: YES

There is a drinking fountain at the start and at the end of the Demonstration Forest. Keep in mind that these are only active within the summer months.

Seymour Valley Trailway – North Vancouver - Wander Vancouver WHEELCHAIR FRIENDLY ON SEYMOUR VALLEY TRAILWAY – NORTH VANCOUVER: YES

The path is completely paved from start to finish but does have hills to consider.

Seymour Valley Trailway – North Vancouver - Wander Vancouver CYCLING ALLOWED ON SEYMOUR VALLEY TRAILWAY – NORTH VANCOUVER: YES

The trailway is the perfect location to cycle for cyclists of every level as it is closed to vehicular traffic.

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Carl Blanchet
Editor and Moderator at Wander Vancouver.

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