Wander VancoouverPlaces To SeeBrandywine Falls Provincial Park

Brandywine Falls Provincial Park – Whistler

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Brandywine Falls Provincial Park – Whistler

The beautiful Brandywine Falls is an iconic landmark located along the Sea To Sky in Whistler is about a 1.5 hour drive from downtown Vancouver and is worth every minute of the way. Brandywine Falls, standing 70 m tall, is best seen from the viewpoint which also presents some marvellous views of Daisy Lake and the surrounding mountains. The short 1 km round-trip hike to the waterfall viewpoint is very easy and contains no elevation gain making this location accessible to nearly everyone and perfect for a family outing.

Time (Round-Trip): 0.5 hrs
Distance (Round-Trip): 1 km
Difficulty: Easy
Season: Year-Round
Elevation Gain: Minimal
Scenery: ★★★★☆
Camping: No
From Vancouver: 1 hour 30 minutes
Public Transit: No
Dog Friendly: Yes (on-leash)

The very popular 420 hectares Brandywine Falls Provincial Park is great for multiple activities other than its breath-taking waterfall. There are a couple other trails within the park that can be hiked or cycled and a picnic area with 6 tables so you can enjoy a full day here with the family. Dog are allowed in the park but must remain on-leash at all times, and please pick up their poop. The trails in the park are good for snowshoeing but are not maintained during the winter.

To get to the falls, take the Brandywine Falls trail, a wide and well-marked trail that takes 10-20 minutes to complete each way. Traverse the covered footbridge and through the forest to a new viewing platform presenting phenomenal overlooking views of Brandywine Falls. Continue along a new, short walking path to a second viewpoint of the falls and another of the surrounding area of Daisy Lake and the Black Tusk.

Stay behind fences at all times and away from the river’s edge. Use caution when crossing the Canadian National Rail line. Don't forget your camera to capture this stunning destination!

Trailhead to Brandywine Falls




Brandywine Falls - Wander Vancouver   VIEWPOINT AT BRANDYWINE FALLS: YES

Brandywine Falls is best seen from the main viewing platform perched high on the edge of a volcanic escarpment. Those who love heights will enjoy this one!

Brandywine Falls - Wander Vancouver   DOG FRIENDLY AT BRANDYWINE FALLS: YES

Dog are welcomed but must be on leash at all times and are not allowed in beach areas or park buildings. Dog owners are responsible for their pet's behaviour and must dispose of their excrement. Backcountry areas are not suitable for dogs or other pets due to wildlife issues and potential problems with bears.

Brandywine Falls - Wander Vancouver   FAMILY FRIENDLY AT BRANDYWINE FALLS: YES

The park is great for families in the day-use area and the short 1 km round-trip hike to the viewpoint.

Brandywine Falls - Wander Vancouver   HIKING IN THE PROVINCIAL PARK: YES

There are 4 different hiking trails within the park; Brandywine Falls Trail, Swim Lake Trail, Sea to Sky Trail and Lava Lake Trail. For your own safety and the preservation of the park, obey posted signs and keep to designated trails. Shortcutting trails destroys plant life and soil structure.

Brandywine Falls - Wander Vancouver   CYCLING IN THE PROVINCIAL PARK: YES

Bicycles must keep to roadways such as the Sea To Sky Trail and the Lava Lake Trail only. Bicycles on not allowed on other trails.

Sea to Sky Trail: The newly completed 1.5 km section of the planned 180 km long Sea to Sky Trail leads in a north-east direction from the main Brandywine Falls Trail (after crossing the train tracks) to the Whistler Bungee bridge over the Cheakamus River. A packed gravel surfaced trail, mostly gentle grades (a few steep pitches and tight corners for mountain bikes) and suitable for families.

Lava Lake Trail: After crossing the covered footbridge over Brandywine Creek from the parking lot, this 2.7 km trail starts left up a short but steep hill then wanders on gentle ground thru pine forest (rare for the coastal environment) and small lake areas to the north end of the park.

Brandywine Falls - Wander Vancouver   PICNICKING AT BRANDYWINE FALLS: YES

There is a day-use / picnic area in the park with six picnic tables.


Pit toilets are located in the day-use area.


There is parking in the park between the hours of 7 AM and 11 PM. The gate is locked outside of these hours. The parking lot gate may be closed during winter seasons as too much snow can accumulate. In this case, visitors must park their vehicle in the small area outside of the gate. Parking on the shoulder is not allowed.

For more information visit the government website: click here

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